The organization of the photo shoot, a crucial moment for a brand.
The very first shoot took place on Tuesday June 7 in Lyon. I announce this date as a victory, because in reality it was for me the culmination of a lot of work.
All the work I had done upstream, everything was focused on the sole intention of presenting my future customers with beautiful and quality briefs and boxers.
It is true that the "marketing" part following the shoot is intense, but in all honesty, this photo shoot was a big step for me, a big moment (which went extremely well), so a great source of stress.

I could also start at the end of the day by telling you that I was exhausted... after the shoot and 2 small beers with the 2 models, I collapsed on the sofa at 6:00 p.m. without any energy left... in all nothing that can keep me away from the perimeter of the fridge/sofa.

The Briefs and Boxers of Le Beau Tom were originally supposed to be shot in Paris in May so that I could launch sales at the beginning of June... Of course when creating a business nothing ever goes as planned and it you have to know how to bounce back… I adapted, and it was only at the end of June that I opened sales.
The delay in opening the online store certainly caused me to lose turnover… but I really needed to sales being 100% satisfied with everything I was going to show my customers. . Everything had to be perfect and so that at first I feel comfortable. So it was actually by following a feeling that I deprogrammed everything in Paris, and that I came back to the idea of doing the shoot in Lyon.
Lyon is first of all the city where Le Beau Tom was born, it is there that the underwear was designed, and it is here that my company is registered... and it is also the city of course where I have the most connections.
In reality, originally I remained quite passive 😏 on the organization of the shoot and I followed the girls of the Art Direction on almost all of their proposals for the shoot. Their proposals were good… but I hadn’t yet understood the importance of feeling involved in the process. And when I understood it, that's when Lyon and all my connections became obvious.
You should know that organizing a day of shooting has a certain cost. Depending on the project, the bill can very quickly be salty. Photographer, models, location (apartment or studio), make-up artist if necessary, artistic direction… This is why using your relationships and relying on your friends is certainly an important option when you start. In any case, this is the option I chose to shoot and highlight my first collection of briefs and boxers.
The models, Yo and Fernando are friends who have kindly proposed in the past, and I was able to remember them as the fateful date approached. Their original proposal was frank and sincere and I thank them once again here. I acted as the third model. Originally not very comfortable with the idea, I finally said to myself that no one was better placed than me to represent a brand that wants all its customers to look beautiful in their underwear.
All that remained was the photographer and the location to find. For the place, I was lucky enough to be able to enjoy the magnificent apartment of a couple of friends. Once again, I was very touched by the generosity of my friends. Their apartment corresponded in all respects to what we were looking for with the Artistic Direction to highlight Le Beau Tom underwear. It was about doing a lifestyle shoot so we needed a simple apartment but with character.
The girls from @rubbeckiestudio were also there to animate and guide the day. They are the ones who (after me of course) know the brand and its identity the best.
The team built, there remained the problem of the agendas... 6 people who have a job, a life, commitments... it was with a little doodle that we all agreed on the date of June 7th.
The organization of the shoot being complete, we just had to hope that everything went as planned... and it did, thank god!!!

My first joy of the day was to discover the enchanted faces of the model hottie friends… with a lot of spontaneity they validated the briefs and the boxers, the material, the touch, the colors… And this first impression was confirmed right after with the fitting. I hope you will agree with my models.
The rest of the day was punctuated by good humor, laughter, dressing and undressing, coffee, poses but very few breaks... We were busy but all in a good atmosphere. We shot just over 1000 photos. Of course only a small number are kept.